“I’m surprised with how much information is there, I had no idea about some of those pieces.”
- Course Participant
Being able to successfully understand and utilize data is critically important in informing and guiding case practice and program planning at the agency and unit levels. The purpose of this training is to allow supervisors and managers to develop a solid foundation in using data to inform and guide case practice and program planning within their agency and team. This course will help learners become comfortable with how to access and utilize various data sources, along with identifying reports and dashboards to assist in identifying information that is meaningful to their county’s child welfare practice and to assist in case management decisions.
Over the course of four weeks, supervisors and managers will become comfortable with how to access and utilize various data sources and identify reports and dashboards that will assist in identifying information that is meaningful to their individual agency’s child welfare practice. Key concepts include creating a data informed culture by understanding macro data sources (CFSR, PIP, CQI) and working within micro data sources (Child Welfare dashboards and eWReports available in eWiSACWIS).
The training includes a basic primer on Excel functionality and explains how to use PivotTables to quickly summarize large datasets for insight into child welfare practice to guide day-to-day work and planning. eWReports are reviewed and time is spent reviewing the Child Welfare Dashboards and using them to better inform supervisory case practice.
Please direct any questions about this course to Tammy Snortum at WCWPDS at tsnortum@wisc.edu.
“I am so excited; I love this training! I just was in unit meeting right before I came to today’s session and I was just gushing about it to them. While I used reports, I can’t believe all the untapped data out there at our fingertips. And what stood out to me was the worker’s data and the Case Face Sheet. That was the biggest eye opener for me, and we’re already discussing ways we can use that.”
- Course Participant
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Format and structure
Supervisor Foundation Training: Data Informed Supervision – Hybrid is a 4-week interactive blended learning course that utilizes virtual seminars (held via Zoom) and self-paced online activities posted in PDS Online. The training methods include recorded presentations, video tutorials, short readings, individual learning activities and group work. More details about the various course components are available here.
What is the time commitment?
The total amount of time for this course is 13.5 hours over the course of 4 weeks, which includes attending the Zoom Training Sessions and completing the self-paced online activities.
Zoom Training Sessions: There are three required Zoom Training Sessions (totaling 6 hours) within each training cohort that feature direct data application. Additionally, there are two one-hour optional Zoom Office Hour sessions scheduled for each session.
Self-paced online activities: These activities (recorded presentations, video tutorials, short readings, individual learning activities and group work) comprise an estimated 7.5 hours.
*We highly recommend that supervisors do not attend Supervising Safety and Data Informed Supervision at the same time
Please note this is a time intensive training, especially during the second half of the course. The General Course Outline summarizes each activity and training session and indicates the time commitment for each.
Before you register in PDS Online for one of the training sessions, please carefully review the DIS Course Schedule for that cohort (the DIS Course Schedule for all cohorts that are open for registration are posted below) and schedule in time in your calendar that will allow you to complete the required sections in PDS Online before coming to the Zoom training sessions (the dates/times for the Zoom training sessions are identified within the DIS Course Schedule for each posted cohort). Feedback from other participants has indicated that due to busy schedules, setting protected time aside for this training leads to greater success.
Who should or can attend?
Although Data Informed Supervision is being offered as part of our Supervisor Foundation Training series, whether you are a new or seasoned supervisor, you are welcome to attend. There are no prerequisites for this training, however you must be a CPS/YJ Supervisor and have access to eWiSACWIS data and dashboards to successfully take part in the training.
*Note for Youth Justice and Foster Care Supervisors
Please be aware that this course spends a substantial amount of time discussing the information available within the Wisconsin Department of Children and Family’s Child Welfare Dashboards and how to use them. At this time, these dashboards provide less youth justice and foster-care specific information than is available for CPS supervisors. In addition, the dashboards provide no information on secondary assignments.
“I’m feeling more comfortable on knowing where to access data related to my work. I’m looking forward to reviewing it more regularly and sharing with my staff so they can see the ways in which their work is positively impacting families in a tangible way”
- Course Participant
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How do I register for the course?
Click here and log into your PDS Online account.
What do I do once I am registered for one of the sessions in PDS Online?
Put all the Zoom Training Sessions noted in the Weekly Schedule (found in the “What is the time commitment?” section on this webpage) into your calendar. The training team will reach out prior to the session start date with additional course details.
“I am excited to use my data to motivate staff!”
- Course Participant